これまで縄文時代にこだわり、トライバルな音楽や多様な価値観を持ち寄るパーティとして開催してきたONENESS MEETING。第8回目のテーマは「創造の伝承」!
旧暦新年翌日の1月26日、大阪からOOIOO、北海道からOKI DUB AINU BAND、沖縄からCHURASHIMA BROTHERSなど熱いスピリットを持ったアーティストが代官山に集まります。心が動き、からだが自然と踊り出すマジカルな創造の時間をともに遊ぼう!
Welcome to the tribal and magical time of creativity!
ONENESS MEETING has been held as a party that brings together tribal music and diverse values, with a focus on the Jomon period. The theme of the 8th party is “tradition of creation”!
Since the Jomon period, when the word, art, was not even invented yet, people have expanded their imagination and carved beautiful patterns on various materials. We want to respect that pure creativity.
On January 26, the day after the lunar new year, various passionate artists will gather in Daikanyama. This includes OOIOO – band lead by YoshimiO from BOREDOMS[V∞REDOMS], OKI DUB AINU – band from Hokkaido that develops new traditions based on the Ainu folk instrument Tonkori, CHURASHIMA BROTHERS – band from Okinawa with DJ Nu-doh & Sinkichi.
Let’s get together and share the magical moment of creativity that makes your heart and body move!