本国開催7回目・恒例となった東京開催も4回目となるPsy-Fi Warming Up in Tokyo、来たるべき4/13(土)、代官山UNIT/UNICEを舞台に開催決定!
立て続けに楽曲リリース、インタビュー、さらにはDommuneにてスペシャルプログラム等、破竹の勢いで最前線を走り続けるRee.KによるスペシャルGoa Trance Set
国内シーンの重鎮にして世界的にも評価されている最先端の楽曲プロダクションでクオリティの高いセットを安定供給し続けるFunky Gong
UNICEは国内外問わず、ボーダレスに活躍するLive Act、DJが集結。
日本が世界に誇る和太皷バンド GOCOOより派生したTAWOOによるスペシャルオープニングライブ。
今やその名を全国に轟かすオルタナティブ・デュオ、Reo MatsumotoとNoryによるDAHMA。マスターオブモジュラーシンセ、説明不要のパイオニアHATAKEN。
Zipangからは、長年のキャリアから裏打ちされる楽曲の幅の広さと、卓越した抜群のスキルを武器に構築するターンテーブリストDJ Yu-Ta。
本国フェスのハイライト、美味な部分を集約したサイケデリック&オーガニックグルーブとなるPsy Fi Warming Up in Tokyo 体感せよ!!
English bellow:
“Psy-Fi”, a cutting edge festival in a large park held every year during August in Leeuwarden near City of Water “Amsterdam – Netherlands”. Festival attracts many party freaks, many travel across europe to participate in this festival at the end of europian summer season.
Once again this year Psy-Fi Warming Up in Tokyo will be coming to Tokyo for the forth time on Saturday 13th Apr, Daikanyama UNIT / UNICE !
Koxbox(Ibiza), legend of trance music who will be their celebrating the 30th anniversary. This is 30th world tour and will be celebrating in Japan! They will perform premium set that is culmination of 30 years.
Ree.K – will play special Goa Trance Set. She is running at the front line of the scene, consecutive release of musics, interviews, and further special program at Dommune.
Funky Gong – keeps stably supplying high-quality live sets with state-of-the-art musical piece production that is also evaluated globally as a leading light in the domestic scenes.
DJ HISA, DJ Misaki, The long-awaited next generation of psychedelic trance music scene.
Live Acts, DJ’s who active in borderless, gathered both in Japan and abroad, @ The UNICE floor
A special opening live by TAWOO derived from GOCOO that Japanese world-renowned Wadaiko band.
DAHMA(Reo Matsumoto and Nory) – Alternative Duo whose name is now reached throughout the country.
HATAKEN – Master and pioneer of modular synth with No explanation needed
DJ Yu-Ta (Turntablist from Zipang) builds the breadth of songs backed up by many years of career and the outstanding excellent skill as weapons.
YUTA and Toshiki – dj’s from the new down beat label “Landscape”‼︎
Psy Fi Warming Up in Tokyo will become a psychedelic & organic groove that summarizes delicious parts of home country’s highlights! !